New Jersey Tree Company Business Registration | #NJTC768411
Most of the growing season this year was extremely dry, with October being the driest month on record! Drought affects trees in numerous ways. Lack of water causes trees to be more susceptible to insect and disease issues, reduces growth and vigor, as well as causes fine root hairs to die. All these stressors can lead a tree into decline and even death. Drought stress damage is not always immediately displayed while in a active drought, damage may appear months to even years later depending on the age and root size of a tree. Proper mulching and watering deeply once a week or more will go a long way to help a tree during dry periods. Greenwood suggests treating trees to reduce drought stress using a super phosphorus and bio-stimulant soil injection, as its essential for overall tree health and vigor.
Beech Leaf Disease Update
BLD was again very prevalent this season throughout our area. The past suggestion of keeping the trees as healthy as possible through deep watering during drought conditions, deep root feeding, growth regulator applications and phosphorus applications twice a year is still recommended. We have been seeing promising results with this approach. There are new treatment options that can be applied and show positive results. Give your Arborist a call for more information.
Replacing Trees
With several new insect and disease issues plaguing and killing our trees, the responsible thing we can do is to replant trees. Trees are important to life and provide numerous benefits to humans, wildlife and the environment. Spring and fall are ideal times to plant trees. Greenwood is your trusted source for your tree planting project.
Liquid Aeration
Drought causes soils to compact which makes it harder to absorb water, oxygen and nutrients. Compacted soil leads to more insect and disease issues as well as thinning lawns. Traditional core aeration is a tried-and-true way to help break up the soil compaction and let the roots breathe. Liquid aeration is also another option now available in our tool box that can be used in conjunction with the core aeration or a stand-alone application. This is also a great option for lawns with shallow sprinkler lines and underground lighting wires. Liquid aeration is applied to the lawn and starts working immediately by breaking down the thatch layer and reducing soil compaction by softening the heavy clay soil.
Winter Tree Work = Savings!
Greenwood operates all year, and winter is a great time to have your trees assessed, especially deciduous trees as it’s easier to see into the canopies to identify deadwood and any structural concerns. Winter tree work also has less impact on the landscape and of course the best part of winter tree work is the savings with our off-season rate!
New Jersey Tree Company Business Registration #NJTC768411
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By Appointment