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Foliar Disease & Fungal Issues on Your Trees

20 June 2020

It has been quite the beginning to the Spring season and now it’s heating up as we head towards summer. The heavy rains in the month of April and May have created ideal growing conditions for a number of fungal diseases that we are seeing in our urban forest. Many of these diseases are aesthetic issues, but there are some that can become problematic if left unattended.

Apple scab fungus and Diplodia are two prevalent fungal diseases in our local area year after year. They impact Crabapples and select Pine species (primarily Austrian & Scots) respectively. A round of treatments through the Spring and into late June is the best way to handle these issues. As far as Diplodia, planting something other than Austrian or Scots Pine will solve the majority of your problem, but if you have these trees treatments can be effective. Both of these fungal diseases can be impactful to your trees if allowed to occur year after year.

Some additional fungal diseases we are seeing in North Jersey include varying forms of anthracnose, maple leaf blister, and soon to be tar spot on maple trees. These are foliar diseases impacting the leaves of the trees, with anthracnose being the most damaging. Depending on the severity of spread in the tree will determine if treatment is warranted or not. Maple leaf blister and tar spot are primarily aesthetic issues and rarely cause significant impact to the tree.

Symptoms to look for on your trees include spotting on leaves, curling or blistering, or early leaf drop. The good thing about leaf foliar diseases is that the trees will refoliate after an early leaf drop, allowing the tree to continue to grow and produce energy over the growing season. The annual impact of these diseases can become compounding stress on your tree. Greenwood’s Certified Arborist can help you best determine the need for treatment and when.

Wet Springs with cool temperatures are ideal conditions for fungal and foliar diseases. Knowing what to look for and who to cool is your best tool for control. Check out your trees and see if you can identify any of the above symptoms and if so, contact your local plant health care provider to attain appropriate treatment for your trees. Thanks for helping to enhance our urban forest!

Beautiful front yard with a large tree with residential tree service in Morristown, NJ, by Greenwood
6 March 2025
Keep your landscape thriving with residential tree service in Morristown, NJ, learn tree care basics. Call Greenwood Tree and Lawn Service at (973) 335-6650.
A tree is split in half between a grassy field and a dry desert.
3 March 2025
Most of the growing season this year was extremely dry, with October being the driest month on record! Drought affects trees in numerous ways. Lack of water causes trees to be more susceptible to insect and disease issues, reduces growth and vigor, as well as causes fine root hairs to die. All these stressors can lead a tree into decline and even death. Drought stress damage is not always immediately displayed while in a active drought, damage may appear months to even years later depending on the age and root size of a tree. Proper mulching and watering deeply once a week or more will go a long way to help a tree during dry periods. Greenwood suggests treating trees to reduce drought stress using a super phosphorus and bio-stimulant soil injection, as its essential for overall tree health and vigor.
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Why Deep Root Fertilize in the Fall? To replenish important nutrients! During the beautiful summer months while everyone is out enjoying the nice weather, we tend to forget about how hard our trees and shrubs are working to grow. Despite any environmental conditions they can face over the long summer days (drought, intense heat) plants […] The post Benefits of Fall Deep Root Fertilization appeared first on Greenwood Tree and Lawn.
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Boxwood blight is a disease that can quickly ruin a gorgeous landscape. It is a fungal disease spreading quickly across North America. The disease causes black spots to form on leaves, along with elongated black lesions on twigs and stems. Rapid defoliation (in a matter of weeks) soon follows the initial symptoms of infection. Boxwood […] The post Beware of the Boxwood Blight appeared first on Greenwood Tree and Lawn.
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A red and white triangle sign with a tick on it
16 January 2020
New insect invading our area: The SPOTTED LATERNFLY has been found in multiple New Jersey counties. This invasive Asian insect was first discovered in the US in 2014 in Berks County Pennsylvania. The Spotted Lanternfly feeds on more than 70 species of trees, but the main host tree is Ailanthus. They feed on the trunk and limbs, […] The post 2020 Insect Update appeared first on Greenwood Tree and Lawn.
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